Porcelain Veneers
You’ll be the beneficiary of a cosmetic procedure—a resurfacing that despite being exceedingly thin is unbelievably strong as it bonds with the tooth, erasing imperfections as it actually strengthens the tooth that it transforms in appearance.
A veneer, as its name suggests, is paper thin, but it is also a resilient tooth covering, a porcelain laminate that we use to repair broken, chipped, misshapen and discolored teeth. This is the life enhancing power of our porcelain veneers at Leone & Wenning Cosmetic & General Dentistry.
Not only that, but we can show you, through advanced digital computer imaging, exactly how this cosmetic procedure will look before we do the treatment and as a before-and-after comparison before you make a decision on whether to proceed. You’ll get to see your smile of the immediate future, how you will look at your beaming best. We work with the best, and in this process, we partner with daVinci Dental Laboratories, which was a pioneer in porcelain veneers and state-of-the-art cosmetic dentistry more than 30 years ago.
The Benefits of Porcelain
A porcelain veneer is a dental ceramic bonded to the front of the tooth, and when we say it is thin, we’re talking about half the thickness of a dime. It is essentially a resurfacing of the tooth to improve its appearance on one hand and, on the other, repairing the tooth, correcting with a strength and integrity that belies its thickness. Porcelain veneer even has the capacity of changing the shape of a tooth, making jagged edges and surface imperfections vanish. It can even close gaps between teeth.
This is an elective procedure and it’s up to the patient to use porcelain veneer to improve the appearance of their teeth. This thin shell, however, is far from fragile when firmly bonded to a stable and sturdy tooth. As a surface it resists wear extremely well and minimally affected by virtually any compound that passed through the mouth when eating and drinking. In many ways, we are building a stronger tooth with porcelain veneers.
The Strength of Porcelain Veneers
One of the strengths of porcelain veneers is its basic simplicity when compared to other cosmetic dental procedures. There is minimal trimming of the tooth, for example, and the science of bonding actually makes the tooth stronger and the ceramic surface provides superior stain resistance.
The key is the amazingly strong bond between the enamel of the tooth and the porcelain. Its appearance of the veneer is exceeding natural, closely resemble the enamel of a sparkling healthy tooth.